6/.23 - Citroen with Markus Walter in Romania

This set was built in Romania in the highlands on the altitude of 1800m.

5/23 - Mercedes E-Class by Stef Soho released

This set was built in Romania in the Studios

4/23- Edeka - The Feast from James Marsh out now

This commercial was shot in March 2023 by Oscar Winner James Marsh in Berlin.

02/23 - google pix short films are winners gold at ADC Berlin

shot in Berlin and produced by BWGTBLD Berlin

5/23 Faraway for Netflix out now

Shot 2021 in Croatia - by director Vanessa Jopp. Now released on Netflix. Under top 50 Netflix worldwide 2023

02/22 - WGV - new released, shot by BLOK Film London


This is the website of TOMMY STARK.

He is a production designer, architect and interior designer.

You can upload TOMMYS CV, when you press the button below. 

TOMMY is working for international and national directors and agencies since 2005.  

He is based in berlin and munich.